The Power of Pilgrimage

It’s a remarkable phenomena.  Over the past 30 years, in increasing  numbers, people from all over the world and all walks of life have been returning to a primitive rhythm, testing their limits,  physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Rediscovering the transformative power of pilgrimage.

The Camino de Santiago is perhaps the largest and oldest of pilgrimages.  In 2019, nearly 350,000 pilgrims walked its various routes through Spain.  As the oldest continuous pilgrimage in Europe, the Camino has been greeting travelers for over 1,000 years.

What draws so many to make this journey?   

People are finding that the power of pilgrimage is that it can take us out of our fragmentation and distraction.  Helping us to make sense of the world in which we live to find wholeness again. On the Camino, we can begin to rediscover what it means to be truly human.

In search of answers, pilgrims intentionally break from the rhythms of their lives  to find a “new normal”. Arriving from all over the world, many are in transition or crisis,  bringing with them the most essential questions of life.

More often than answers, pilgrims first find better questions.

On its face, The Camino de Santiago is  a long walk. A pathway between firmament and forest, pasture and peak, river and rock, mountain and meadow.  It is a journey through God’s cathedral to arrive at a cathedral fashioned by ancient human hands.  

But it can also become so much more.  

Pilgrimage can teach us  to embrace the present moment and accept that we cannot control what lies over the horizon.  

Pilgrims learn to travel light.

Pilgrims learn to live in  connection...

Connecting inner life to outer life.

Connecting your story to the stories of others.

Connecting the physical with the spiritual.

Connecting simplicity and complexity.

Being and doing.

To name a few.

What are you moving toward?

Sometimes we can get stuck.

We find our lives  inhabiting the space between expectation and experience.

If this describes you, maybe you’re ready to join us on a trail of transformation.

We’d like to invite you to experience the power of pilgrimage with us.

Every year hundreds of thousands of people leave

their homes,

their comfort,

their safety,

their titles and responsibilities

Young and old,  Rich and poor, High and low.

To come just as they are.  

To walk as equals. 

 And to simply be known by the name:


The Scruffy Pilgrim exists to serve pilgrims and to promote The Pilgrim Life.  

Because life is a pilgrimage and Pilgrim Life, once learned, is a template to living our best lives anywhere.

We do this by celebrating the stories of pilgrims.  Our own and those of others.   

We do this by walking with and serving pilgrims who  are embracing the same journey that we have come to love.

We believe embracing the journey is an end in itself (not a means to an end).

We believe that the Pilgrim Life is not just for pilgrimages, but for everywhere.

Let’s walk together awhile and see where the road takes us.

Because sharing this journey with others is the very essence of pilgrimage.

Come discover with us the Power of Pilgrimage.  The power to embrace the journey.

Take a Guided Pilgrimage with us. Click here for details.



Join us on a journey that will transform your life.

​Photo Credit: Mitya Ku

Camino De Santiago (by arrangement)

Fall and Spring

We offer a 1-2 week journey customized around your group’s needs.


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ScrUFFY PILGRIM difference

At the Scruffy Pilgrim, we believe that a  healthy interior life is key to living a richer, fuller exterior life.

The facilitation of that process is our specialty. That’s why The Scruffy Pilgrim offers guided pilgrimages rather than trips.  

When you hit the trail with The Scruffy Pilgrim, we aim to provide you with every opportunity to ensure the the interior journey is every bit as rewarding as the exterior one.  

Embrace the Journey!

​Photo Credit: dimnikolov

Colorado Wilderness (by arrangement)


3-7 Day backcountry trip in the Colorado Mountains.


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How do I sign up?

+ A 3 Step Process

  • Complete the online interest form and you will be contacted with a link to a trip application.
  • Complete the application and pay your deposit to hold your spot.
  • Upon review, a member of our team will contact you to let you know that your participation for the trip has been approved.


What’s included?

+ Guide, Lodging, Breakfast, and much more

  • Experienced guide who will not only handle logistics, but has experience in facilitating the formative aspects of the Camino for pilgrims.
  • All shared occupancy lodging from Porto to Santiago de Compostela, a total of 13 nights.
  • Breakfast each day.
  • Resources to help prepare you mentally, physically, and spiritually for this journey of a lifetime.
  • Smiles, laughter, and shared experiences.
  • Time for solitude and reflection.

+ Lunch, Transportation, and Travel/Medical Insurance

  • Lunch, since each pilgrim will have the flexibility to choose their own pace to walk and places to stop on the way to our daily destinations.
  • All transportation to and from Spain and all In country transportation.
  • Travel/Medical Insurance may be purchased at each individual’s discretion (however we are happy to provide recommendations).

What’s not included?


What is the level of fitness required to walk the Camino de Santiago?

+ A Three Shell Journey

  • Each trail we take is rated on a five shell system. 1 being very easy and 5 requiring a high level of skill and fitness.
  • In general most paths we take could be considered about 3 shells, which means that it can be done by individuals across age levels and abilities as long as they are healthy at the time of the trip and willing to prepare themselves for at least the 6 months leading up to the trip.
  • We will provide you with a recommended minimum workout regimen to prepare you for the journey.

How much will I need to invest in purchasing gear for the Camino?

+ Gear for the road

  • At a minimum, you will need high quality footwear and backpack.
  • We provide all participants with packing lists and gear recommendations.
  • We recommend that you wait to purchase and secure items until after you have signed up for a guided pilgrimage.

What if become sick or injured on the journey?

+ Health is priority

We will assist you in finding proper medical attention and help you to develop a plan to recover and rejoin the group.


Are my children allowed to accompany me on the Camino?

+ Must be 18 or older

At this time, we are only taking adults with us. So only children that are 18 or older may accompany you on this trip.